Can drinking water really prevent a hangover?
Hmmm, why are you asking?
Bad news. The answer is – probably not.
There have been studies done and most of them show there’s only one sure way to prevent a hangover – not drinking.
Let’s move on to Plan B – drinking water.
While drinking water before, during, and after drinking alcohol won’t necessarily prevent a hangover, studies suggest it can alleviate some of the symptoms (especially the dry mouth). One of the causes of a hangover is dehydration – because alcohol causes your body to flush out liquids faster. So some experts believe that a glass of water between alcoholic drinks, or drinking a big glass of water before bed can help. It can’t hurt, right?
Another thing to do is to eat before and while you’re drinking. Food in your stomach reduces the rate at which your body absorbs the alcohol.
Don’t believe us? Here’s what the experts at the Mayo Clinic have to say about hangovers.